A Mayflower's Musings

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A New Perspective

A dear friend gave me the best present two weeks ago. It's a life changing book called, One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp.


I'm only four chapters in so far, but I have also started receiving her new posts at her blog A Holy Experience ~ http://www.aholyexperience.com/ . I don't feel ready to give a book report of sorts but I know enough to say this woman is not only one of the most talented writers I have ever read, but God has used her life changing thoughts to stir my soul.

The best way I can describe it is this:

I feel as though some gentle hand has come up behind me and nudged me in a tiny different direction. I'm still living the same life on the same road but it doesn't feel so hard and oppressive. In her words, the book is a "dare to live fully right where you are"...and so that is where I am. One way the author began finding ways to be more thankful and directing that thanks to the rightful spot - the Creator of all things...was to begin a grateful list. There's so much more but you'll have to check it out yourself.

Because this is November and some bloggers choose to blog daily in November (and I'm behind) I thought I would fight the urge to blog in my old fashioned way. You know the mom's blogging to-do list...pumpkin patch pics, kids in costumes, milestones, funny things they say, holiday gift ideas, etc etc. It feels undone whenever I leave these things out. But instead I'm going to begin documenting some of my daily thankful things here.

1 comment:

Our great adventure said...

Read it and LOVED it! God definitely worked on me through that book. This morning (even though I read that book months ago) I actually started my own blessings list! So weird and cool to read your post today!