A Mayflower's Musings

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Classic conversation with a toddler

Me-  Henry you want a balloon?
Henry-  ooh,  yeah....green!
Me-  okay (I blow up balloon)
Henry-  I wanna put water in in.

Me-  Ahhhh, no.  We can make water balloons this summer.  At the cabin!!!

Henry-  ooooh let's go!  Now!

Me-  oh no buddy we won't go until this summer.

Henry-  when?

Me-  summertime -  when it's hot.

Henry-  Oh!  Like with Elsa and Anna and Olaf.

Me-  (chuckling where he's going with this) yes-  "summertime!"

Henry-  who else in that movie?  Hans?  He's the bad guy!

Yep-  from water balloon to bad guy in frozen in 2 minutes or less!

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