A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's Decided

When we had a second baby girl, I was very practical and financially prudent and Maisie moved right into Daphne's old nursery. Well, we're having a third girl and I have decided that I am going to do a new nursery no matter what this time. It's just so exciting to have a nursery project again.

My cousin, Jill, who has been deliberating with me the last couple days, on a few different choices out there, sent me a picture of some bedding today at Gap.com and it was even on clearance. And I fell in love with it. Plus, if we do have a boy someday, I may even be able to make it work for him too. In short, it met all my requirements and then some! Thanks Jill. Needless to say, I bought it right away. Yahoo.