A Mayflower's Musings

Sunday, September 9, 2007

A Bug Bash

What a week! I may never post as many times as I did this past one, but how many weeks come along with a first child starting preschool, an ultrasound giving verdict of the sex of your 3rd child, and a four year old's birthday all in the span of 5 days??

Daphne's birthday pictures tell a bit about her "Bug" themed party. Because I haven't figured out labels under each picture. Here is the synopsis:

The day started with Mike fulfilling the previous evening's promise of he taking Daphne out in the morning to buy us all doughnuts. Because my husband does all things in a BIG and BOLD way (especially when it comes to food:), he allowed her to pick the biggest one out of the collection...Later after Maisie went down for her nap, Daphne donned her new apron and helped me make her cupcakes. I think they turned out cute! From 5am to 4pm I worked nonstop on the preparations from decor to party favors and when the guests arrived at "party time" they were welcomed with a fun ladybug sign. We had a huge turnout of friends, neighbors and family, all who are loved by Daphne of course. We ate, the kids played on the new playstructure (built by love by Grandpa Mike just weeks earlier) and topped everything off with cake, that was of course preceded by the big Happy Birthday song. Her grandma Pam, baker extraordinaire made her that cute ladybug cake!! Lastly, I have to mention everyone got Daphne so many fun gifts, (thank you!) and the final one was her new bike!! (although I have to say her Oklahoma movie, was just as much a hit!) Yes, our daughter is a Rodger's and Hammerstein fan:)

It was a big day for all - planners and attendees alike....Great memories....Although next year I do think we'll scale it down a tid:)

1 comment:

Dan and Charity Smith said...

I love your blog, stef! Great Job. We had so much fun at your party, the kids are still talking about it, and Olivia LOVES her new Barbie and Princess book. Thank you so much! Sam has asked me to make sure and wash his grasshopper plate everytime he finishes a meal on it, so it will be ready for the next meal :) He washed it this morning after breakfast.... hope this week is more relaxing for you, I know how much work goes into a great party like that! Hugs to you all, Charity