A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, November 8, 2010

He's Home

Mike got home at 1pm. I waited up for him, wide-eyed from a variety of caffeine products. He collapsed into bed after a long long day of travel.

I'd even gone to see an 8:45pm showing of Social Network with a good friend that I see only around 4 times a year. (great true life story!!)

The funniest part of the night was the 2 hours leading up to his arrival. My pastor's wife and I were texting back and forth all that time, keeping each other company while we waited. She's also my neighbor so it almost felt like we were in the same room.

Here's a sampling of the texts:

"Laying in bed, but can't go to sleep..maybe I'll go get a snack"

"Wide awake...should I do chores or rest?"

"I kept my make up on in hopes that I might look cute still when he gets home...but not my eyes are getting itchy".

"LOL - cute but blind"

" 'she stumbed into his masculine arms because her eyelashes were sealed shut'"

"when will they be home now...cuz maybe I'll go shave my legs"

"honey...they've been bunking with men all week, I don't think that will even matter"

"you are so wise friend"

"love you"

"love you"

Isn't it great to have wonderful friends to get us through hard times?

I had a LOT of them this last week - thank you everyone!



Anonymous said...

Great blog! Awesome photos, too. I will bookmark it and try to visit again soon.
The beach house is gorgeous. What a memorable and healing Thanksgiving it will be.

Jen Nice

Rachel said...

That's really funny!