A Mayflower's Musings

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Garden Sown in Love

Welcome to our family garden. This is the second harvest of a garden of this kind. And it is purely a labor of love; a gift from one very special Grandpa to his five grandchildren.

In the spring of 2006, my father-in-law, took on the mighty task of building a tall, electrified fence around a good chunk of soil, nestled right beside their home. This fence, would finally allow him to have the garden of his dreams - one that was previously held at bay by the beautiful, but hungry deer around their property. He planned and planted five wonderful gardenbeds within the fence, and then drawing names, out of a hat, he assigned each of his grandchildren one of the five sections. Being the tender hearted and "attender of every detail", man that he is, he even built a sign for each child, with their name burned out and then painted either blue or pink accordingly. Each child's sign was then placed in front of their own section of the garden.

This year, to improve the garden, he even built garden boxes for each of the five sections. And again the five children were randomly assigned a garden box full of seeds waiting to begin growing.

Well, we've enjoyed the bounty of both of these gardens the past two summers and falls, because of the many hours of caretaking that went into maintaining the garden throughout the summer heat. And always as we were eating something, we were reminded not to forget, that "you are eating Phoebe's lettuce", "Daphne's tomatoes", or "Tobin's squash"...

Today, I was there to witness the "last picking" of the season! We'll still let the pumpkins do there thing a while longer I assume, but it's definitely the end of the season for most of the other crops. Until next year, when Grandpa Mike, will have to build one more garden box and design one more sign, with a little girl's name on it. What will that sign read, we're not sure yet, but one thing I have no doubts about - she will be one of six, very blessed grandkids. Every child blossoms with that kind of love!!

Dedicated to you, Mike - Thanks for all your love, support and adoration. You and Pam make our job as parents so much easier and enjoyable.


LizzyG said...

Those pictures are classic! They just ooze warm feelings of fall and family bonds. I love the one of Maisie touching her name on the sign.

Somehow the tall, electric fence is so humorous to me. I know it was necessary, but it just cracks me up....that man was on a mission. It doesn't surprise me that one of his sons ended up on a SWAT team!

His hard work and devotion payed off, what a wondeful garden! And what a wonderful, caring grandfather. You are truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest thing ever. I love Mike. He is a gem of a guy.

Glory Laine said...

Awe... I am so glad that you posted the grandkid garden. He really is a dream grandpa for our kids. I have some great pictures also of the garden more mid-season.
I am so happy that you are blogging right along with me. Between the two of us maybe we won't miss much.
Love ya, Have a great day.

Sharon said...

Sown with love! That was wonderful to see and read! That Riddle clan, they are something! Those grandkids will remember that garden forever!

February Jill said...

I love men who are tender towards children. What a fun (and practical) dedication to all those beautiful babies!

Julie said...

Stephanie, this is SO sweet... I, too loved the picture of Maisie touching her name on her sign.

You and Becca really are blessed to have such loving, caring in-laws. Mike and Pam are really great, and they love all those kids so much!

Angela said...

Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!
Mike is such an awesome man. This is one of the sweetest things I have seen.

Unknown said...

Hi Stefanie,

I linked to your blog from Becca's this morning, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the garden.

My husband and I both work with Matt, so we've had the pleasure of meeting Becca, their great kids and I've even met Mike and Pam. When I linked to your blog, I realized you were Daphne's mommy, she has some famous videos and pics on Becca's blog. Your girls are just too cute.

Congratulations on your pregnancy with your 3rd baby girl! I am 22 weeks along right now, so looks like we will have kids very close in age. We decided not to find out the sex, well I decided not to and my husband graciously went along with me.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind me reading your blog, I really enjoyed it!

Meghan :)

Lindsay said...

Hey there Stefanie!
Visiting your blog from Becca's and am hooked.
What an awesome garden - the kids will always treasure it!
Blessings to you today ~

Stacey said...

Stefanie, your girls are just beautiful! I remember the pictures that came out when Daphne and Tobin were just born. My how time flies. Congratulations on #3 as well!

Thanks for your comment. I'll be looking to you and Becca for parental expertise when #2 arrives!