A Mayflower's Musings

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The "doc" Prescribes Bedrest


No, I am not on doctor advised bedrest...but, me the "doc" in this tale, decided that I deserve some.

This is being a little too honest, and very irrational, but when I hear of pregnant women being put on modified bedrest - the kind that seems like the doctor is being wisely conservative, but enough so, that husbands, moms, mother-in-laws, good friends etc, come out of the woodwork, rallying around the mom, so they can sit in bed a little each day...I get jealous. (note: I do understand that all doctor advised bedrest is a serious issue, but don't we all sometimes wish for things until they really are happening to us and then it all is a different story)

Of course, I am completely aware of the blessing that I have healthy, and very normal pregnancy aches and pains...I really am! I thank God daily for making me fit for this type of job - but still a little "okay, stefanie, you're going to have to slow down, lay in bed a couple hours a day, and let other people take care of the kids..." lecture - might be nice. Because lately, since entering my third trimester, I am really slowing down and wanting a big breaktime everyday! And let's face it, even the normal aches and pains and weird things happening to our pregnant bodies are enough to deserve non-prescribed bedrest! When will our society catch on to that?

So today, I decided, that better yet - I am going to be a step ahead of all of that, and still be

a. a mom that doesn't NEED bedrest for health


b. gives herself a little bedrest for enjoyment

This is my pledge, that twice a week, during Daphne's preschool hours (2 hours at home between pick up and drop off), while Maisie is a for sure napping kid, I am NO LONGER going to blog, clean, or possibly even talk on the phone. It's going to be, me, in bed, napping or reading my book. It's the best of both worlds - I won't be sitting worried about my health, cause I am perfectly fine, but I will still get some of that coveted bedrest. (I chose that bedroom out of the Pottery Barn catalogue, because it looked like a nice bed to rest in!)

Pregnant or not pregnant, I should have started this kind of ritual a long time ago!


Julie said...

You deserve some rest, girl! I think that's an awesome idea... even if you can't "nap", at least you'll have some down-time.

Good for you!

Happy McNally Mom said...

It is so nice to know that someone is at the same stage as me. I'm with you on the rest time. We do need it. This was a great reminder to me as the holiday season comes. Have a great week with plenty of rest.

Angela said...

Good for you Stef!
Down time is the best and you deserve it!
And I must say we have the exact same taste. I was thinging about ordering those sheets!

February Jill said...

Good for you Stef! My grandma told me that when her mother had children they would have a "hired girl" for a month to do all the cooking and cleaning. HOW did that not continue on into practice today?

P.S. You have got to show me how to add the links to other people's blogs onto my blog page. I am so bad at figuring that stuff out.

Sharon said...

I like to hear when people choose to take care of themselves! Sometimes people consider that too selfish, but I think that you're able to be a better wife, mother and everything else when you take the time to fill up your own gas tank. And how wonderful to close your eyes and transport yourself to Pottery Barn wonderland! : )

Anonymous said...

That is great, you really need the rest and the quiet.

I still do the same thing for an hour every day, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Enjoy your peace and quiet, and don't let anyone rob that time from you!

LizzyG said...

I want to take the pledge too!!! Good for you. A well rested mom is a happy mom!

And I love the bed you chose to rest in. I have had to put the Pottery Barn catalogs away. If I could have my way, I would decorate my house straight out of a PB catalog, that is completely my taste. But I can't, and looking at the catalogs just makes me long for things I can't have and focus on what I don't have. But I did think about doing a "fantasy house" post. Like, "this is what my bedroom WOULD look like, I would have this quilt with these throw pillows, and those drapes" It just takes money, and I haven't seen any extra lying around lately.

This was such a fun post to read. Happy Resting!!!

Alida said...

Hi Stefanie,

I'm in Becca's "hut" group at MOPs, I am shamelessly becoming your friend because in the event that you win Leslie's Starbucks Card (or not) I'm coming to the party!!

I'm enjoying your blog, so I'm glad I stopped by, even if my reason was completely selfish.

I totally agree on the naps/time to yourself. I often think that if men got pregnant, there would probably some sort of mandate that required bed rest for nine months.

Enjoy your peace and quiet. If you don't mind, I'll be visiting often.

Rachel said...

I agree!!! Good for you, for remembering to take care of yourself, too!!
And I have to agree with Liz.. ahhh, to lay in a PB filled room would be relaxing in itself. Nice picture choice!! And I wish you all the luck in being able to stick to your rest time!!