I started writing “my dear friend”. Nope... I mean yes, but nope, not what I want to say. “My strong friend?” Like the post I wrote years ago ? Well of course! Yes, she’s dear to me and yes she’s bad ass strong. But what word encapsulates Julie to me in this season?
What comes to mind again and again is REAL.
The dictionary explains real as:
“Not imitation or artificial; genuine”
Yesssssss (she taught me those multiple s’s by the way)!
So genuine.
In the beginning of our friendship, I think I lived a bit in awe of her. Wanting to be like her - look like her...and all the while sorta wondering why she wanted to hang out with someone not so cool I guess.
And then as the years went by our friendship became part of daily life. Our weekly workouts. Texts. She kept showing up at my door unannounced and our husbands became friends too. Family vacations and couple vacations. Exciting and many many mundane conversations about dishes and laundry and cookies and vodka and workouts and kids.
Every day she’s real with me. And I’m so thankful that I can be so real with her too.
I don’t hold her up on a pedestal as much as I did initially. And she’s probably the one that taught me how to take her off of it. To try to take everyone off those pedestals. I’m grateful for that. The reminder to be me. Do me. Be real. Imperfect beautiful friends ♥️
Julie you are refreshing. You do still challenge me to be strong. And even today I got on my treadmill and pushed myself thinking I can do a portion of what my super fit friend can do!! But in this season, when I’m not feeling as strong, you encourage me to just be. Be real. No pretenses... just genuinely in the moment.. feeling it all. And some of those moments and feelings are super hard.
So immeasurably glad you came into this world to be by my side and be real with me. And I know my real isn’t always easy and pretty to be friends with!
Your real is encouraging to me. Every.single.day!
Happy birthday my real friend- Here’s to many more!!
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