A Mayflower's Musings

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside (and a little sick one inside)

Maisie is still throwing up everybody. Last night at one point when she was laying in the middle of the hallway, bent over with stomach pain, she said, "mom, I think I am going to die"...and then in a quiet voice to she said, "oh, Jesus, please..." And then later when Mike and I were both laying with her after another round at the toilet, she said, "I just don't know what I would do without my family." Oh honey!

So far we've had to cancel a regular kids swap date, not attend Maisie's music program, miss out on Maisie's Christmas party at preschool today and I won't make Daphne's party, even though I planned and prepped it all and sent it all in a tub today with Daph. Needless to say, it's been a week out of my control.

It reminds me a little bit of the year before last when we had that BIG snowstorm and everything got canceled. In both situations, I felt God saying, "Wow, Stefanie you need to SLOW way down and stop DOING so much and concentrate on what matters most." SNOW and PUKE both are show stoppers!

We have spent a lot of time in front of the tv (something we previously gave up for advent but got reinstated in survival mode)...watching holiday movies, and listening to Christmas music, and me doing lots of laundry and dishes. We even still made our gingerbread houses...although I could tell Maisie was so not herself when she wanted me to do it for her and she didn't want to eat any of the candy!!!

It's not quite over, but I feel like it's FRIDAY and I made it!!!

Here's a little Maisie story that just happened on our way to take D to school. My good friend, Leah, made me a great Christmas cd, and the first song is "Baby it's cold outside". Today it started to play and Ruby said, "not this one mom"...to which Maisie responded, "I like it. It's about a girl who wants to go out in the snow, but her father won't let her". Ha! Even sick, she's crackin' me up!


Glory Laine said...

Oh man do I LOVE that girl! Crossing my fingers we get to see ya'll tomorrow.

February Jill said...

Oh my gosh Stef! I bet that really slowed you down. We have been a little touch and go with the Advent calendar... one of the nights says "make a fort" and that wasn't really a planned activity but we have had so many things and every single day has been EXHAUSTING!