A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Stress

Every year, I stress about Halloween candy. It's an illness for sure. But I don't have a great answer with how to deal with it. I want the kids to enjoy their treats, but I just can't have it in the house for weeks afterward. It's just too tempting for me.

So I've done a couple things. One year I let Daph pick out her 10 favorite candies and she tossed the rest in exchange for 10 bucks cash! Another year I posted that I was going to send it away to our troops. But they can't take chocolate, so that didn't help too much and I ended up eating a lot anyway. The troops did get toiletries and some hot cocoa...but it didn't help much with the candy deal.

My sister in law has inspired me again to do something radical. I was preparing myself to aim to let the kids keep it this year and just "be strong!" myself. But let's face it...I'd just be setting myself up to fail.

So I googled ideas (again this year) and found a great blog post. It is me to a tee. Read it here:


I may just do what she suggested, which was having the kids leave their candy bags outside their bedroom doors that night and having the "great pumpkin" replace the candy with a toy...or maybe I'll just do the cash thing!

Will post Halloween pics soon! Write and tell me what your family does~


crystalkupper said...

I've read that a lot of dentists have candy exchanges the week after Halloween. You bring in your candy and spend them like coins on toys! You should see if any dentists do that in McMinnville.

Rachel said...

Good Luck...and that's such a good idea...I end up eating more candy than Sawyer does!!
I forgot to tell you that my husband gets into carving as much as yours does!!! I have to help Sawyer, because Scott is all about his own carvings!! Too funny!