A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Life As a Mother 2009

This year I got to thinking that I am doing a good job of recording my kids' lives in terms of the big stuff - you know the milestones, the celebrations, the pictures of them growing. But someday I want to look back and remember all the "snipets" too - the everyday stuff.

So from now on, at least on every Mother's Day, I will try to record and capture some of the stuff occuring in our household on that weekend. Here goes:

Maisie's love of watercolors.
Daphne's picture of her and I, and her ability to write her name

using lowercase letters - finally!

Maisie's "elections" (collections)...rocks on windowsill, ponies, ponies, ponies...
Not a set up...just the regular messes that I clean up daily...
My new table runner - a Mother's Day/Birthday present to myself.
The night before Mother's Day - Mike and I baking oodles
of treats for all the ladies at church.
Trying to bake too many at a time and having them ooze out all over our oven and setting off the smoke alarm at 11pm? We didn't go to sleep until 12:30pm...

A special something to remember forever:

This job is the hardest I have ever taken on - but obviously the dearest to my heart.


Glory Laine said...

This is your birthday song, it's not very long. HEY!

Love you Stef.

The kids want to watch Daphne again.

Sara said...

I cannot believe you stayed up that late baking w/ your hubby. Too funny! I love the new runner and Daphne is just too darn cute! Can't wait to meet your girls this summer!

Unknown said...

Too cute Stef! Your girlies are just precious!

KLB said...

I haven't been the best at recording things for Abby. At first I did great then it started to dwindle. I want to start a notebook of all the funny things she says. Great pictures!

Tara said...

Are those baby starlings in your vent? I have them too! I detest them because they crawl around and freak me out! Daph is adorable and I surely miss her. Can't wait until school is out so that I can catch up with you. Love you!

Rachel said...

I love it! I agree that it's those little things that we lose and forget too fast.