A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, May 2, 2009

For Me

Someday I'll look back at these tiny snapshots of video and I will have forgotten what their little voices sounded like, the funny things they say, the magic in their eyes.

These little moments are for me:

*Dedicated to my nephew, Tobin, who is going in a couple weeks, and whose favorite princesses are Ariel and Jasmine (because they show off their belly buttons!) Have fun buddy!


Rachel said...

We always need to have little videos so we can remember those moments that just happen! I love the videos. Disneyland is the happiest place on earth!

KLB said...

I get mad at myself because Abby will do a cute thing and then I forget to video it. Or I will have the camera on, and she will stop! Kids these days he he he

Unknown said...

It looks like you three girls had a magical trip to Disneyland. Her face painting is beautiful and I love how she thoroughly enjoys her ride on the carousel horse, and gives him such a wonderfully unique name.

Lindsay said...

Oh how fun!! What a little girls dream...all those princesses!

February Jill said...


I love how they react to those princesses the first time. Glad you guys had a great trip. Here's to those girls always having magic in their eyes.
