A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Now it feels like summer!

The before and after: (can I say again how much I love little girls?)

Maisie's after pics weren't that exciting, because when we got home it was right up to bed for naps...Her cut is super cute though!


Sarri said...

SO cute!! Nothing like a fresh summer cut! Your girls are just adorable!

February Jill said...

I actually gasped out loud when I saw Maisie's hair. It's so cute! Shane wants me to cut E's hair like this too but she's begging me not to.

Glory Laine said...

Triple love the bobbs!

Unknown said...

SO CUTE! Daphne looks so much like you! Maisie's cute is just precious!

Stacey said...

They both look adorable! Was Daphne's long enough for Locks of Love? Proabably if you pulled it straight! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Such cute hair cuts! My poor Maggie can identify with Daphne on the curly hair. It's so hard to take care of-I guess that's thanks to us though, right?

I so love reading your blogs with your three girls. It reminds me of our life just a few short years ago.

Ona said...


Kaia just got her first haircut today. More of a trim.

Your girls are beautiful!

Jonathan said...

How cute! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! ADORABLE!!!

momaof4 said...

Oh they made me giggle!!! They are so cute. I love Macy's it changed her look so much. I love little girls with short hair. Something about it is so cute!!!

Rachel said...

They look so adorable!! I can't believe how wonderful those haircuts turned out. Perfect for summer!!!
I wish I was as brave, but I'm so scared to cut Sawyer's hair.