A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, November 5, 2007

One Beach Condo + 2 Couples that are long-time friends - the 4 little girls we have combined = A very enjoyable Weekend

We have been "vacation buddies" with our good friends Jessi and Kurt since right after college, when we all were married, employed, and had weekends to spare. Jessi and I go way way back to the church nursery, then on to elementary school, middle, high school and college roommates. Actually, all four of us went to the same college... Then Jessi and I got teaching jobs in the same town right after graduation. Add to the story that she married a hunter, and I married a hunter, and well, "you get it now, right?"

Our most frequent retreat, was definitely the beach condo - that her parents, so generously let us enjoy probably 3 times a year before kids. We had our traditions each time - Dairy Queen (only blocks away) each night, games, duck hunting for the guys, shopping and projects for the girls, the local cinemas, and the favorite restaurant spots too.

Then kids came along, and we still traveled together. At first it with was still real manageable, with the first baby that came along and then even doable when there were two infants. We even prided ourselves in being the kind of parents that would not let kids slow us down:). But with every year, and every additional child - we now both have two little girls (Daphne 4, Paivi 3, Maisie 2, Helmi 1) our trips got fewer - still very memorable, but more and more work and not as much play!

This year, Jessi had the best idea ever - leaving all the kids at home, and going to the beach alone; making it like "OLD TIMES". I'm not sure why we had never thought of this before, but we all jumped at the idea. We planned our sitters (grandparents) months in advance...and looked forward to it earnestly.

This last weekend, was the much anticipated - ONLY ADULTS ALLOWED beach weekend.

It was relaxing, fun, and super easy to pack and unpack for! We had dairy queen twice, ate out four times, ordered pizza in one time, went to the cinemas in the MIDDLE of the day, had mani-pedi's, did crafts, and played Catch Phrase (Girls WON!). We were even there for the extra hour of sleep...another bonus.

We adore our time as families, but this, friends was a better way to travel!


Lindsay said...

What a fun time & great tradition you've established!
Love the toes shot. :)
Nothing beats good friends, the beach, and a chance to rest!

Alida said...

The beach, a mani/pedi, sleeping in, those are my favorite things. Throw in good friends and it's like icing on the cake. Sounds wonderful!

February Jill said...

Looks like you had a great time! There's nothing like children to make you appreciate a weekend away WITHOUT them!
I'm starting to get excited for our shopping trip!

LizzyG said...

Good for you!!!

Sometimes taking a break and enjoying YOUR favorite things, makes you a better parent. It's nice to go home to the kids relaxed and refreshed. And praise God for grandparents!!!

PS - I still think you look adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sounds heavenly! I'm so glad you got away for a fun weekend away with your good friends.

I'll bet you have some extra spring in your step this week after getting some relaxation in!

Glory Laine said...

Stef, I am so glad you guys got to do this! And I am greatful to see the famous beach cabin too.

momaof4 said...

What FUN!!!
We do this every Feb. and I am telling you, I look forward to the next year as we are driving away from the weekend we just had. There is nothing like getting away with friends and No kids!!

Good times.

Angela said...

Looks like a great time had by all!
How fun!

Anonymous said...

Yes! We had SO much fun too!!! Honestly, loved every minute! And, loved your blog too - the picture of the boys hiding was my favorite. And, so in mommy shock! I was thankful today was MOPS day. I think my groove is slowly returning. J

Sara said...

I still can't get over the fact that you and Jessi are so close! How did I never know that?!?