A Mayflower's Musings

Friday, November 30, 2007

Kickin' off the Season!

The Singing Christmas Tree is such a wonderful way to begin the Christmas Season. My mom and I love it and we try hard to go each year. There is wonderful music, beautiful lighting and a sweet youth choir, and always the fantastic message of the Christ child. The director, a Christian man, always does a bit of a sermon in the middle. Last night, during the Messiah, everyone rose to their feet and I noticed no one was raising their hands up high, but I felt it sure would have been appropriate. It was beautiful.

This year was extra special, because we took Daphne for the first time. We started the evening at Newport Bay and Shirley Temples all around the table. When we got to the auditorium, I noticed there were very few children - probably because it was a 7pm show on a Thursday. So she definitely got a lot of ooohs and aahhs from the grandmas in attendance. Daphne loved it - she was born singing:) and the Santa Claus and flying angels helped. But mom and I definitely had to work the whole time...you know pulling out all the tricks with life savers, switching lap turns etc etc. She finally fell asleep in the last songs. We didn't leave until 10pm and didn't get home until 11pm. It was a big night!

I left with some mom homework for myself. Since our church doesn't sing traditional hymns...as mine did growing up...and because the programs at school don't anymore either, I have some work to do with my girls. I think we'll try to learn a couple each December.


momaof4 said...

I was in that childrens chour for a few years.
We went all the time as a family too and have many pictures infront of those Christmas trees.

What fun!!!

Sharon said...

Fun night! Daphne looks gorgeous~fully deseerving all the "ooohs" & "aaahs" of the entire place!

Angela said...

Oh how fun! I remember seeing the singing Chirstmas Tree!!!
Daphne is just the cutest!

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to go to this show, I'm glad to hear from someone who has been and loves it! Daphne is so adorable, I love her hair!

julie said...

Traditions are strong threads in the cloth of life, and this tradition has proven to be ever-strong. I'm so happy Daphne, Stef and I got to enjoy it last night! Not only is the music fabulous, and the production sterling, but the testimony to our Lord was very touching. I'm already gearing up for next year, when Maisie gets to put on her Christmas dress and step out with her fellow sisters in Christ.

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LizzyG said...

You ate at Newport Bay?!!!
What did you order? I have that menu memorized backwards and forward!

Your daughter looks beautiful, and I absolutely love how you fixed your hair. I think it's great that you brought her along!

Now break out those shopping trip pictures!!! I'm sure between the three of you, someone had a camera!

LizzyG said...

I'm sure you did a great job of fixing your hair too :), but I meant to say, "you did a great job fixing Daphne's hair"