A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

And this is why the laundry didn't get done honey!!

Today we had a very fun December "moms group" meeting. All week I prepped a presentation of homemade Christmas gifts and decor and today I excitedly showed the girls the creative and yet stolen ideas. (I guess this is where I am supposed to give Martha the credit for her beautiful magazine and her highly trained staff etc etc - NAH!) I brought all the supplies for them to make the jar filled with peppermint items and I was so relieved that we finished them in 30 minutes and truly we would have made the above mentioned very proud. This is for the ladies who couldn't attend and for whomever enjoys this sort of thing! Happy baking/crafting...

Things learned:

1. When the project calls for peppermint sticks (not canes mind you) - don't bother looking at 10 different stores in the area, just cut off the hooks on the cheap candy canes at Walmart. No one will ever know.

2. You really CAN bake the bread in the tin can!

3. Nonpareils is just the fancy term for sprinkles.

See, stay at home moms do learn new things everyday:)


Sharon said...

Wow~I'm feeling very sub-par right about now! Those treats are amazing!! Martha Smartha! It's Stef all the way!!

And by the way, whenever I open up your blog, I always think that you are Mary in the picture on top! It's so cute!

Stefanie said...


it's definitely NOT me, but someone told me back in July, that she thought of Mary all the time when she was very pregnant in December. so now i find myself doing the same... all i can say is "she rode on a donkey and gave birth in a barn" what a woman!

LizzyG said...

I thought the exact same thing about the Mary picture. And yes, pat yourself on the back Stefanie, you are amazingly talented. I might just steal some of those ideas!

Glory Laine said...

WHAT! Stef let me remind you that you are really pregnant (or as only Mike Sr. would say, "heavy with child") and you have two lively little girls AND it's Christmas. Do you have elves that live under your house at night.
Really, the crafts look like they turned out great and the pictures you took of them are wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

Those crafts are amazing! You are so talented with that kind of stuff. My family will be lucky if I bake one batch of sugar cookies this year for them.

How fun for you to be able to teach your three little girls all these fun things one day, and to enjoy these moments with them.

I wish I could come to your moms group.

Stefanie said...


All I can say is when I get an idea in my head, I am super stubborn and can't let it go, even when I know I am going overboard a tid. Our next Dec. meeting we are just going to eat cookies and chat! I am trying desperately to let go of my to-dos and just rest - it's a constant struggle... It was fun though!!

Angela said...

What in the world!!!
This is the cutest stuff ever!!!
Great ideas!!!
I wish we lived closer. I think you would rub off on me in a good way!

Rachel said...

Oh how very Martha of you! They look beautiful and I bet everyone had so much fun! I'm jealous!!

momaof4 said...

I remember when you were in our MOPS and you said that if you didn't live so far away you would do our crafts....Can you move back??!!!!

Those are awesome, and yes, I am going to steal an idea or two also.

I totally get the thinking about getting an idea stuck!! And then having to finish it. I get like that to!! And your right, it's not good.

Unknown said...

what gorgeous homemade gifts! You're so creative!

Julie said...

Oh my word... those peppermint stir sticks are soooooooo cute!! I want to make them!!

Angela said...

Good morning Stef!

I was wondering where you got the jar with the red lid and what are the little white things in the jar that looklike jelly beans?
I am thinking I might make a few of those. They are so cute!

Stefanie said...


I had my baby shower today - so sorry it took me a bit to write back:)

I had wanted to respond to your comment anyway, because I thought the red and white looked just like your new decorating trend!

The jars are just normal large canning jars and I spray painted all the lids and rings with inexpensive red spraypaint. The white candies ARE jelly beans:) and I found them in bulk at WINCO (you don't have one of those tho!, right?). They are actually coconut flavor...but all I could find in a hurry.

So it goes chopped off candy canes, still in wrappers to keep it fast and more cleanly. One layer of candy cane sticks with tissue paper in the middle to make them keep standing. Lay jar on side and get one wall lined with sticks and then stuff tissue and then keep putting in sticks. Then dump the jelly beans and finally the normal peppermints.

Feel free to ask away!

They are pretty easy once you have all the materials at hand...

Angela said...

Thanks so much for the info! I am really excited about this little project I will be working on it tomorrow!

I hope you had a wonderful baby shower and have a great rest of the weekend!

Ona said...

I love all those crafts...so cute! I'm not much a craft maker or one bit creative.

Happy McNally Mom said...

OK, since you are my pregnant buddy right now, HOW IN THE WORLD did you have the energy to do all of this? You are so awesome. I'm with Karen please come back to the salem mops and do our crafts for us.