A Mayflower's Musings

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One More (holiday) Thing

Before memories of Christmas 2011 are completely blurs of the past, I have to document something funny. Ruby began learning more of the Christmas carols this year and could be caught singing portions of them all day long as she played. Here were a couple of my favorite lyric hiccups:

"Frosty the Snowman" - ...down to the village, with a corn dog in his hand...

"Deck the Halls" - ...tis the season to be jollies...(never fail every time it was jollies (plural)...cracked me up!)

"Go Tell it On the Mountain" - Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Chlist is born...(once again even after correction it was Chlist)

That little girl is a hoot I tell ya!


crystalkupper said...

Jack was the same way this year, learning so many new songs. My favorite was hearing him sing over and over, "Hallelujah, Christ is born!" because he can't pronounce his L's. :-)

Candi said...

Hahwaywooya! That's how it sounded - so cute! Shelbea was just like that in her little preschool Christmas program. I love it! When Shelbea was little she loved Away in a Manger, and that was her bedtime song for the entire year.