A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ruby's First Girlfriend

Ruby and Ava have the beginnings of a great friendship. They see each other often at church - both in the nursery and at social gatherings. Their mommy's are the kind of friends that like to support each other, so sometimes Ava is at Ruby's house and sometimes Ruby is at Ava's house...while the mommy's have appointments, meetings, need some fresh air or just cause! And let's face it they have Dora and Elmo in common!

As one of the mentioned mommy's - I love these little girls together! I'm so excited that Ruby has her OWN little friendship.

What a blessing that has poured forth from two mommy's needing each other:)
Thanks to the other mommy for taking these sweet pictures of our girls!


crystalkupper said...

Aw, that's so sweet! You never know, Ava may end up being in Ruby's wedding someday (speaking from personal experience of knowing someone forever!).

Sara said...

Oh, I love watching a friendship unfold...esp. with little ones. Ruby & Ava look like little twinners in their red coats. Thanks for sharing!

KLB said...

Abby has an Ava too! Its so neat to watch them interact with each other. Those two girls look like they have a blast together!