A Mayflower's Musings

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cuttin' Down the Tree

This year was the first year in many that we did not go to a Christmas tree lot in town. The last year that we drove out into the country to cut one at a tree farm, involved Mike carrying a tree, an axe and Daphne all at once. That's the story anyway, and I can't remember where I was...maybe I had a newborn in a bjorn...who knows. So, this year, we didn't set out for a Clark Griswald adventure or anything, but there was an axe involved. And I wanted the girls to pick our tree.

It was a beautiful day! I got some great pictures. The girls even picked out a little wee one for their loft upstairs.

The part of this story though, that I must record, because it so sums up my life right now is that it sat in our living room, in tree stand and all, BARE for NINE sad days. Every day I would say, tonight is the night. The problem was that I envisioned kids in bed, Mike in the office maybe, and me watching White Christmas, hopefully with some sort of warm winter drink and lots of energy. The last part happens rarely lately, so it just got put off.

It finally got "decked" the other night, after I peeled myself off the couch around 9ish. It wasn't a dream like moment, but I did get a second wind and it turned out pretty. I ended up watching The Rookie...go figure.

I should have taken a picture of my red gingham/stripes/polka-dotted theme tree...but that too, takes some energy. Another post...


crystalkupper said...

Love Ruby's smile!

Growing Good Golfers said...

Very cute picture of you and your girls!
The girls looked very cute today at church!
Merry Christmas.

Sara said...

These photos make me home-sick. Great pics though! Can't wait to see your tree. :)