A Mayflower's Musings

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daphne's Vocabulary

Earth Day Trivia: We consume 13, 056 pints of milk in our lifetime.
(seen on NGC's "Human Footprint)

I often boast or at least chuckle over my daughter's vocabulary. For example, last night as she prayed she said things like, "Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to eat this wonderful meal". She's always loved words and "steals" new ones whenever possible from Mike's and my conversations, to movies, to things heard at church. Like it or not, our kids' words often represent our own, and I think Mike and I do a pretty good job of keeping things clean, informational and of course fun and silly too.
But I have to say that I was a little amazed when I heard a little one at the grocery store talking to her mom about their compost pile. Here I was just proud of myself for making it to WINCO with the kids (I know you know that Safeway is so much easier with kids)...but here was this mom with bags she had brought from home in her cart and discussing their compost pile with her little sponges.
Now, Daphne knows a lot of words, but unfortunately, "compost pile" is not in our household vocabulary list. And to be honest, it probably never will be. But it sure started me thinking. If we claim to be followers of Christ to our daughters, shouldn't we be teaching them about taking care of this planet, you know the one that our heavenly Father so lovingly created for us.
Today is Earth Day...and since yesterday I found out all my last disk of pictures I had taken on my camera were unretrievable and couldn't do the blog post I had already created in my mind (Ruby's first swim, Ruby sleeping 12 hours at night, etc - yes a tragedy that I lost those pics) I have brought you this pondering. What change can you start in your home today that will benefit our earth?
I'm not all that "green" - We pay to have the BIG trash can, that is full every week and I let my kids take really long showers, just so I can have a little peace and quiet... etc. But...
Here's mine: I'm going to try reusing my paper sacks each time I go to WINCO. And in a month or two, I might take on recycling my glass stuff, which curbside recycling won't take in my city.
You probably are way ahead of me...but even if you are....let's all take on something new today!


Angela said...

Good for you! I have been thinking about this stuff also.

Sharon said...

Great challenge, Stef! Every little bit counts.

Ona said...

Jasmynn came home yesterday and asked if we could start recycling. I said yes of course. I'm really bad at this but if I can get a little help from her it will be well worth it.

Stacey said...

Ruby sleeping 12 hours at night?! I'm still stuck on that one. You must share your secrets to a full night's rest!

Unknown said...

While I enjoyed this whole post and whole-heartedly agree that we all should be a little more "green", I'm with Stacey and completely focused on little Ruby sleeping 12 hours at night!! Wow! Please share your secrets!!

Our great adventure said...

You are right on, the one thing I've been thinking about is diapers. I mean if you stacked up all the diapers just Grace has went through in her tiny little life you'd have our own little landfill, can you imagine how much room all the diapers in the world are taking up? eww I know gross! IT's too late to change I think for Grace, But I am thinking next babe (whenever that is) I am going to attempt cloth diapers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stef! Been thinking of you lately- sounds like you all are busy, busy. Good for you for attempting one thing at a time. I think we overwhelm ourselves at times trying too much at once! Go Green!

Anonymous said...

PS: That was my comment...the anonymous one! :) Wrong button...

Rachel said...

Did you know that there are programs that you can download off the internet to retrieve lost pictures from a memory card??? I've had to do it twice...and it worked both times. Just google something like...retrieve deleted pictures from memory card and it should give you FREE download options!!

Stacey said...

Okay fair enough. Every 3rd child should sleep that well. Do I receive any guarantees on my second? Wishful thinking?

Rachel said...

Stefanie, Yes Yes Yes! Try downloading one of the free or trial programs and see what it finds. I looked back and have used the trial version at
It's called ZAR 8.3. If nothing else, it's worth a try. I have my fingers crossed for you!!