Ruby is at THAT age. She is taking in so many new words and phrases in her language development and there's just bound to be some confusion and misuse often. Throw in her 4year old mind and things just get hilarious. Here are some recent crack-ups that I have to write to remember.
1. A month or so ago she was choosing between two ice cream choices and she pointed to the cookie dough one and said, "OOOhhh mom, I'll take that kind, cuz I love those meatballs in there." Ha. I love those "meatballs" too!
2. Maisie is learning to spell and constantly sounding words out and practicing, so it's not surprising Ruby is "spelling" too. The other day after lunch she stood up to clear her plate and announced that, "Mom, that lunch was M-O-E, delicious". It's a start folks!
3. Then today on the way to pick the girls up after our grocery shopping, she asked what the candy was called that I let her eat as her reward for being a good shopper. I told her and then seeing the wheels turning, I jumped in with a reminder saying, "but you are not to brag about it to your sisters!" And she was like, "well, can I tell them at midnight?" Not sure WHERE she got that one!
I'm sure there are so many more during the days, but I forget them fast. She just wants to be a big girl, but we are trying to keep her little for awhile longer:)