A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, October 3, 2011

Morning Surprise

You know you are sleep deprived when....

you wake up and realize that you have been sleeping on a dirty diaper (at least it was dirty side down on the sheets).


KLB said...

I have gotten up to feed Ruby and woke up 2 hours later on the couch. Both of us snoozing away!

Dan and Charity Smith said...

At least you noticed it in the morning, and not a week later :) Hugs Stef!

February Jill said...

That is awesome!

I have woken up in a pile of spitup (hers) and with Elsa she peed on our bed in the middle of the night because I took her diaper off and didn't have another ready. Rookie mistake. So then I got her settled and slept in a ball at the foot of the bed to avoid the pee for the rest of the night. I couldn't wake Shane up to change the sheets.