I have woken up in a pile of spitup (hers) and with Elsa she peed on our bed in the middle of the night because I took her diaper off and didn't have another ready. Rookie mistake. So then I got her settled and slept in a ball at the foot of the bed to avoid the pee for the rest of the night. I couldn't wake Shane up to change the sheets.
At DLTK.com you will find a plethora of kids' stuff - customize bingo games, coupons, chore lists, coloring sheets, cards etc Best I've ever seen and visited.
If you are wondering about my blog title - well, I was born in May, and my husband used to always call me flower in our "early days". I used to recite by memory Flower's famous speech in Bambi...
Besides that - I've got plenty to muse about...glad to finally have an outlet for my tales!
I have gotten up to feed Ruby and woke up 2 hours later on the couch. Both of us snoozing away!
At least you noticed it in the morning, and not a week later :) Hugs Stef!
That is awesome!
I have woken up in a pile of spitup (hers) and with Elsa she peed on our bed in the middle of the night because I took her diaper off and didn't have another ready. Rookie mistake. So then I got her settled and slept in a ball at the foot of the bed to avoid the pee for the rest of the night. I couldn't wake Shane up to change the sheets.
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