A Mayflower's Musings

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Too Lazy for Pictures

I always feel like blogging our life, but the step of downloading the pictures makes me procrastinate.

So here's an update on our life sin photos:( But someday I'll want to remember these trivial notes on Summer '11.

In no particular order...(I just love no one is grading me on my blogging compositions!!)

1. Cleaning the house is going really well - very slow - but it is getting done gradually. It is a shame that the cleaning I did in June will need re-cleaning by the time the baby comes! Seriously though, a few weeks ago I was feeling super anxious about the tasks and the limited time..but God intervened with a huge PEACE about it all. Plus He keeps sending angels my way out of the blue whom take the girls for a short amount of time here and there and that is how anything is getting done. Thank you most recently to Gpa Mike, Gma Julie, Beth, and the winner is definitely my hubby Mike!

2. To piggy back on #1, it really is tricky "nesting" when you have three kids and it's summer so none of them are in school. But the angels above and the supernatural peace I referred to, have allowed me to compartmentalize the preparations and the daily summer fun! We have been having numerous play dates, visits with family, and swimming/swimming/swimming at a local OUTDOOR pool we joined this summer. The best is when we finish and the local ice cream cart is sitting waiting for the kids. I live vicariously through them as they choose their artificial flavored treat.

3. On that note - my girls and I are TAN! Maisie has the cutest tan lines from her tankini...she wins the bronze award for sure. They are such water babies.

4. The girls and I set up the baby's crib the other day...we rocked out to our fun "It's My Party" cd with oldies like, "Rockin' Robin" and "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"...and accomplished our goal. The crib was cleaned and assembled and I seriously couldn't have done it without their help. I love including them this time.

5. On a frustrating note - we have mice in the garage and fleas in the house. First time EVER in this house...right before I give birth...seems unfair, right? I may have to ask Mike for an exterminator for my baby shower gift.

6. I'm sick of having to prick my finger twice a day for months on end now to check my blood sugar. I just wish I could eat what I want and enjoy all the sweets of the summer. Praying that I won't have to deal with it after the baby comes:(

7. Last but not least, a little guy named HENRY is on my mind. What shall his middle name be?

These are the ideas so far: Tate, Greer, Cook, McCall, Michael, James. Too bad we won't be having any more boys to use them all up!


Dan and Charity Smith said...

Thank you for the update Stef, get some rest, mama- the nest will be fine as it is :) Love you! Char

KLB said...

After I had Abby, the nurses had to still take my blood sugar. But I can tell you I don't think I am having the diabetic issues I had when I was pregnant. I don't know for sure, because I will have another glucose test in a couple weeks. However, I don't feel my blood sugar climbing or dropping. Just look forward to eating yummy food after your sweet boy is born. I personally like Mcall. Have a great week.

Sara said...

I'm hoping, hoping, hoping this diabetes thing goes away after baby Henry is here. LOVE the name Henry, and I'm partial to Michael, since you asked. :) I can just imagine you & your girls rocking out to oldies and making such a fun memory as you're getting ready for baby boy. Love ya, babe!

crystalkupper said...

I'm loving Henry James!

Our great adventure said...

LOVE HENRY! Im thinkinkg about james too. You always best names!