A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just for Fun

Most of the time my internet job is quite boring..but tonight I got a more interesting image task and I couldn't help but want to share some of the pics I saw with you.

I have such more meaningful posts in my head but the above mentioned job takes all my free time:( I promise to share soon...especially after the slumber party we are posting this weekend for Daphne and her girlfriends!

For some reason a lot of the images were pregnant bellies and fall weddings...of course both are right up my alley! (Mike and I wed on Nov 21st)

Can you believe that picture????!!!!

There had better be two or three babies in there! Wow....

I want to live there!

Isn't that the best wedding favor ever --- a bag of fresh apples with their favorite pie recipe!

Someday I want a photo like that one...it reminds me that in the beginning it was just us, and someday it will be just us again too.

The above picture is included only for Pam!

1 comment:

Dan and Charity Smith said...

Oh, all of those photos took my breath away! (the pup made me laugh!) Thanks for sharing :) See you soon!