A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Tonight I was with two beloved girlfriends of mine. Girlfriends that I rarely get to sit down with - but every 3 months or so we have a long powwow and it's like only a day has passed since the last time.

It was like that this evening and after 4 1/2 hours we had covered a LOT and then some...one of which was a huge news flash to me.

One of them mentioned their Christmas present - a wireless bluetooth - if I am even getting the words right there. I asked her if she wanted that and she said that she needed it since the law about no driving and talking on cell phones had gone into effect since January 1st.

(You are all shaking your heads with smug or delightful pleasure because you know where this is headed)

No need to continue retelling the way our conversation went. But all of a sudden of few recent happenings made more sense - like how my mom-in-law got one of those aforesaid devices too and how I thought how amazing she was in becoming such a seeker of technology! And then how when I asked my sis-in-law last week if she was "out and about" when I called her she said, "no..I don't do that anymore - no one should Stefanie"....and how I felt a little crushed by her words.

Alas - - it all makes sense!!!

Two final thoughts here:

1. Angels have been watching out for me this last month because I have had many a talking moment in my car. And no ticket to show for it - thank you Lord. You knew it would have taken every penny of my first paycheck.

2. I live in a little bubble - I only watch cartoons and three dvrd shows a week - HOW would a MOM who just has her nose to the diaper grindstone even supposed to find out about this law. (pretty sure my husband has no idea either as he would have told me) - Wouldn't he have? I can't wait to tell him in the morning.


crystalkupper said...

I still forget about it! The law is the same on all military bases, so all the wives got used to holding it in their laps and using the speakerphone, which I'm pretty sure is more dangerous than the original way. Go figure.

Growing Good Golfers said...

You're so funny. I just try not to talk in the car anymore-bummer. It's a great way to pass time.

KLB said...

I hate this law with every fiber in my being! I try not to talk anymore while driving, but I sometimes I can't resist. Its my only alone time to make phone calls. Don't law makers understand this??

Sara said...

Oh Stef, you are too cute! It is not a law here yet, but there is a no texting law in certain areas, which I totally agree with. (Not so much on the talking, b/c us Moms are such great multi-taskers!) I'm glad you had a nice GNO and I want to hear more about your new job. :)

February Jill said...

I hate the new law, and protest it. My best catching up with friends on the phone is done in the car while no children can climb my leg, hit eachother or cause too many problems because they are strapped in to carseats! I'm not going to the trouble of tying them up at home to have a phone coversation and I don't like the bluetooth options because they drain my phone battery and pick up all the car noise (CHILDREN) if I use it in the car. I think I'll just grow out my hair so it covers the phone while I talk...

They can't legislate my lifestyle!!!


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