A Mayflower's Musings

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I was a teacher once...

Tomorrow is the start up of the moms group I lead here in town. We're not doing anything elaborate, but catching up and eating a snack. I also had an idea that I am going to pass along to them. Whenever I can put a little something in their "pocket" - - a good idea that maybe they hadn't thought of or didn't have the time to create - - I shall do it and pass it on the my viewers, IF I have the time:)

As a former teacher, I think this is a great idea for us moms. It has only taken me two years of preschool to sit down and actually create it. It's to gather info about your child's teachers' likes - things you can buy at a small cost that would really make his/her day! It's a questionairre for your child's teacher. Recreate it on your computer or copy and paste it. I put my girls' on hardstock paper, so that it will last all year in my car, purse or bulletin board.

"Getting to know you!" Questionairre

1. What is your favorite type of HOT drink?

2. What is your favorite kind of COLD drink?

3. What is your favorite candy?

4. What is your favorite cookie?

5. What are your favorite magazines?

6. What are your favorite authors?

7. What is your favorite sandwich in town?


Glory Laine said...

I am soooo doing this tonight!

Stefanie said...

I'm commenting on my own blog here because I am too lazy to edit the post...

I may just print one of these up, fill it out myself and give it to Mike. I think he knows some of my favorites - - but let's just spell it out to them people!

Candi said...

Good idea Stef, it's the little things that can make all the difference in your day, and having someone take the time to bring you a token gift means so much! Dale has finally learned my favorite hot drink is an Americano with cream, unfortunately he pulls up to the window and asks for an "Americana" every time :-)

momaof4 said...

I love this idea!!

Thanks Steph!

(love giving it to our hubbies too...they know, but I think the forget sometimes too :))

KLB said...

Can you send this out to all of MY students parents?? he he

Tara said...

Don't you want to transfer Daphne to MY class when she's in 4th? And for the record I like iced caramel machiatos with extra caramel, grape lime rickies and REAL Simple magazine :) Just kiddin'. This is a great idea, though! I'm stealing it!

Sara said...

You are SO full of great ideas...thanks for sharing! And love the idea about sharing with your other half. ;)