A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Black Eyed Beauty

This is possibly an unnecessary post amongst many "must posts". But I just have to show you Maisie with the black eye that she received during a hot tub accident the week before school began.

I only show and comment, because I everytime I looked at it, I just couldn't help but laugh inside. I'm really not that way usually with injuries. But the fact that Maisie was sporting a black eye just cracked me up, because that is SO "Maisie". I love it.

I always wanted one growing up. I thought it would show my friends, especially boys maybe, that I was tough, and thus cool. I guess that screams my personality too - attention seeker.

But alas, I never have had one...

Maisie really is that tough and rough. It's hard to channel when they are little - but I'm starting to get really excited about her future. McMinnville High School football coaches watch out in 12 years or so...if she is as athletic as her dad and driven as she is now - she may just try out for the team!