A Mayflower's Musings

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Jill

Upon reflecting on the beginnings of Jill's and my friendship, I realized how very special it is that our pregnancies brought us together. First growing bellies and commiserating on pregnancy pains, then the birth of our babies and experiencing being moms for the first time TOGETHER, and since those special moments SO many wonderful times have been shared.

Happy Birthday and here's to many more fun times as we continue to "grow up" together!


Glory Laine said...

Happy to you, Auntie Jill

February Jill said...

Wow, I think I had just about forgotten I ever looked like that and now I'll be having nightmares again!

Seriously though, thanks for thinking of me, it was such a nice surprise to open your blog page and find a message just for me. :)

I have loved walking through motherhood with you. I can't believe I missed out on knowing you well before that! You are a wonderful friend.


February Jill said...

P.S. I just showed Elsa this pic and she thought Leslie was wearing a funny hat! I think it's just a balloon behind her...