A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, February 16, 2009

First Annual Valentine's Day Tea Party

I'm such a romantic...I love traditions of all sorts and want a lot of them with my family. This year I thought of the perfect one! A tea party with my girls every year on Valentine's Day (or maybe the Saturday closest to it). This year we invited both grandma's and two last minute invitees - Jill and Elsa! We're so glad that they were close by this weekend and could stop by for our little party.

Mike took all of the girls to the park and grocery shopping Saturday am, so that I could prepare. It was my only Valentine wish - an hour and a half of run around like mad and whip up a tea party without kids undertow - perfect gift. We had three kinds of tea sandwiches, fruit, Starbucks RED VELVET cupcakes, tea with cream and real sugar cubes to impress the sugar loving kids.

Us "women" had such a fun time talking and helping the "little women" keep the chocolate fondue on their fruit, not their pretty dresses. What a delight.

I have visions of the girls becoming more and more of the planners/creators of this party every year. You know learning how to bake different things, make pretty invitations, decorations and of course the wonderful table manners that all young ladies should have. This year it was all about the anticipation, the dresses, the guests and the pleases and thank-yous. Quite a success, I must say!


Sara said...

This is the best idea EVER! What a fun tradition to start w/ your girls! I love being back in touch w/ you... I've missed you! Is that Jessi Wirkkala you went to dinner w/? Crazy! Do you still keep in touch w/ Beth and Wendy?

crystalkupper said...

Very cute as always. Love seeing the pictures! Though I must say, if I had an hour and a half to myself, it would probably be spent WRITING and catching up on my articles rather than baking. But I do love V Day treats!

Growing Good Golfers said...

Fun idea. Maybe I'll have to come up with something for my boys! Humm-a soccer game?

momaof4 said...

What a fun thing to do!!! They will love it, and some day they will do it all and you can come as a guest. So fun!!