A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I was tagged ( a long time ago)

My friend Lynn, who is at the very top of my blog roll (6 Weeks And Counting) tagged me - back during our snowstorm - and I had so many fun posts (Christmas, Snow, Baby's First B-day), that I never did it. But, I am a true student at heart and can't let those kind of things go...so here goes.

It's one of those Random Things posts and I have to tag 7 people at the end.

7 Random Things About Me

1. It's funny that for a long time I have had the knowledge about myself that I don't even LOVE the taste of coffee, but I still want one most days when I go out and about. For me it is all about the pretty packaging, the conversation with an adult at the drive through, and that it is a pretty low cal treat (my version). But, I would much rather ENJOY a McDonald milkshake, but never just go get one of those mid-day. How's that for random?

2. Mike and I are going to Hawaii in February to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. I looked like this 10 years ago on our Honeymoon. I'm a little daring to share this pic - but it's not bragging, because I DON'T look like this anymore.

3. I told Daphne that she would have to have her wisdom teeth out someday and she can't stop worrying about it - WHY? did I go do that...I did have a reason, but it is a long story.

4. On the topic of Daphne, yesterday in response to Maisie's declaration that she had TWO babies in her tummy, she said that "NO, you don't, because all you have in your stomach is food and brains." I guess they aren't studying anatomy in preschool.

5. I'm weaning Ruby and she doesn't like whole milk - it's a sad thing.

6. I chew my nails.

7. I have a new favorite TV show - it's called a Secret Life of an American Teenager...sshh...

8. I am horrible at laundry.

9. This weekend I am going away and it will be my first trip away without children since November 2008. Hurray for me.

10. My husband was my first kiss at age 19. I had never thought about this, but Mike told Daphne this fact the other day and I realized that I love that I can tell my daughters that my first kiss was their daddy.

Tagged: Amy, Tara, Leah, Debbie, Leslie, Judy, Sarri and Kim if she ever starts a blog.


Sarri said...

It's really funny that you just posted this because I just posted one as well! Except one of mine should be that I 'skim' more than 'read' which makes following directions difficult and I did 10 random (boring) things instead of 7. Duh!

And, you are ROCKING that bikini!!

Happy almost 10 year anniversary!

Unknown said...

So, does Ruby say Ick when you try to give her the whole milk? A friend of mine says her 13 month old son says "ick" everytime she tries to give him milk and he even tries to wipe it off of his tongue! LOL! Have a fantastic trip to hawaii!!

crystalkupper said...

Jack doesn't like whole milk either, the bum! But he takes small sips of rice milk....I'm trying anything!!!

Growing Good Golfers said...

Well, Hawaii is going to beat our trip to Bandon Dunes, but it will be great for us all the same. Happy Anniversary!

Angela said...

So fun!
When and where are you going to Hawaii?
Email me....angela@eotnet.net

Moon Dance Ranch said...

I will do it. Give me a little time to think. 7, right?