A Mayflower's Musings

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

They're off to Arizona!

I'm just writing in to say that Daphne, Mike and Mike Sr. are off to AZ for four days...

I am taking them into the airport this morning!

Daphne has never flown and is very excited. She has a carry-on with new highliters, a princess spiral notebook, two kinds of life savers, her trusty pink silkie blanket and a photo album that I stuck in for a surprise. I won't be there to see all her reactions to the exciting life in the air - but honestly, that's okay with me. I despise flying - but know it is a very irrational fear, because whenever anyone else flies, I feel very confident that nothing is going to happen to them. We'll see how it goes when I drop her off at the doors this morning though!

This was a trip born only a week ago and the fact that Daphne got invited is a huge BONUS. Me and Maisie are going to lay low and try to finish Ruby's nursery. I am so thrilled to have the house to myself for awhile! Yahoo.

Mike is taking his laptop (our only computer right now) - so I will be away from blog world for four long days. Please pray for these three special people in my life, as they embark on this little adventure.

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