A Mayflower's Musings

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Beach trip 2015

I take it all in
The loss and STILL all this gain!!!

Transplants, tears,  dementia and graves,
Babies growing up to be children, with holes in their family trees.

And yet the roots remain,
And can we bear the weight of them when they cut us free?

Will we share their stories, spend time and continue to love....
A song, a shell picked up,  a laugh well known?

Will the babies grow up and the adults remain fast in what they've been taught?

God is first.
And love is for all.
Family is steadfast.
America IS the beautiful.
Work is so we can play.

Hand in hand-
Sharing it together.
May they be so proud -

Another day spent together in their favorite sight-  the ocean near and family so tight!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this Stef! So happy for you and your family able to share the time together. Thanks for the reminder of what is truly important. Praying for you all. My we all work to play! And remember God is faithful.

Love your friend