A Mayflower's Musings

Monday, March 30, 2009


I think my mom would attest to the fact that I have always been on the creative side. And I'm not talking a born Martha Stewart in decor fashion - but I would get all excited in our church's office when she opened the cabinets to reveal ten different colors of computer paper. And then when my mom became a public school teacher, I was in awe of the art supply room. Unfortunately, my mom the utmost professional, would never let me do much more than stare at all the fun paper, cutting machines and glitter bottles. I just loved to paint, draw, doodle, and create.

Now as an adult, wife, mother, my creative spirit comes alive at the prospects of flower arrangements on my table, dinner parties with name cards and party favors, a house adorned for Christmas, fresh baked cookies sitting on my pretty cake stand, sewing projects, wall hangings made just for the girls' rooms, birthday party invitations, etc etc. It's all too fun. But most of the time I have to let the ideas stay in the idea portion of my mind.

You all understand - most likely you've either had young children, or you have them right now. And at this point in my life, I have to let my appetite for pretty things be quenched by a tidy stack of little girls panties, or my dishes clean and put away in the cabinets, or a the toys stashed away in pretty baskets with red gingham liners. And let's face it - that's even hard to come by.

Luckily, I have the pleasure of leading a mom's group twice a month and I get to let my creativity come alive a bit with small projects. And I really have to harness my desire to go BIG each meeting, as there just isn't enough time, money or time for extravagance. But someday, maybe my house will look something like this come Easter season. I also leave you with the easy project we will do this Friday at moms group.

This is what I found on my search for that perfect Easter project for the girls:

Those are eggs that have had their yolk "blown" out.

Simple - stunning.

Let's imagine we're all sitting here together, right now!

Go to Better Homes and Gardens Crafts
Happy Easter Friends - I know heaven will blow us Martha aspirers out of the park!


Sara said...

Super cute! I too have Martha Stewart- like dreams and go on creative/crafting binges every once in a while, but not as often as I'd like. Your mommy group sounds like so much fun!

Glory Laine said...

I was just dreaming today after I got a call from Sharon. She was out this afternoon with a girlfriend and needed to run an idea by me. I was scooping "roni" into my kids lunch trays and slicing apples when it occurred to me that in the not so distant future my kids will be in school. And I will be able to go out IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY with a girlfriend. Yipee! Wanna come with me?

KLB said...

I so wish I had more time for cute stuff like that! I am suffering from super mom syndrome. I want so bad to be it all. But working, and keeping house is all I can do for now. I love the ideas! Keep them coming.

momaof4 said...

Someday we will be able to have things that can break, and they won't get brooken. :)

Rachel said...

You are so inspiring....I would love my house to look like that...in fact my daughter is a Martha in the making...she begged me to decorate the house for Easter this year...what's a girl to do???

crystalkupper said...

Yeah....that will never be me! I love to look and I do get inspired, but then I get depressed because I'm just genuinely not that artsy and it never looks as great as the picture. But I could write an article or song about Easter! :-)

My birthday was March 19th...the last day of winter. How are Daph's piano lessons going?

Growing Good Golfers said...

That's why I like coming to mom's group, so I can do creative projects that never actually come to my mind. Will miss you on Friday.

Moon Dance Ranch said...

This was such a fun craft and impresses my family when I get bring it home. :)
Thanks for being an inspiration to me at mom's group.