A Mayflower's Musings

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Daphne's First Sleep Over

Pajama Party!
Daphne chose the menu: pizza, watermelon, and Shirley Temples!
(Don't we "big" girls still love S.T.'s?)

Water fun!
Round two of pizza after swimming!
Daphne chose Care Bears Nutcracker for her summer party - go figure!
The night started out with 5 to sleep over...
My great friend Jessi was my HUGE helper ~ I wouldn't

have survived without her! Here she is reading Fancy Nancy!

The night ended with only 3 slumber-ers...Last one shut her eyes

at 10:45pm!

The final two.

What a fun, memorable night. Four and five is probably

too young for slumber parties yet...but Daphne insisted, I gave-in, and we survived!

I'd do all of it again, except drinking the latte at 7pm. I thought I would need it - but it did its job too well, and I didn't fall asleep until 2pm.

Aren't we always learning?!


Rachel said...

You are a brave, brave woman! It looks like it all turned out wonderful!

Glory Laine said...

It will be a L O N G time before I have a sleep over. It will have to be for Phoebe. I can't comprehend what a boy sleep over would look like. Lot of play fighting and wrestling and me reminding them that celing fans are not for riding.

Stefanie said...


Totally agree.

Boys? Sleepovers? Nah!

The part that made this fun for me, was that it brought it all back for me - and there is a part of us women that will forever love a good sleepover. Amen?!

Judy said...

You are one seriously cool mama!!! Was the occassion a b-day or just for fun? Either way, so cute!

Happy McNally Mom said...

This is such a fun memory for Daphne. Way to go cool mom.

Sarri said...

What fun! We love a good sleepover! So cute.

Sharon said...

BRAVE and totally fun! Great job! Daphne will always remember these times!

Beavergrl03 said...

I was hoping you would do a blog post about the sleepover! Gabby had such a fun time. Thanks so much for having her. Now she's trying to convince me to let her have a sleepover. What a cute post! I love the pics!

P.S. I'm sad we missed Ruby's dedication last week at church!


Molly said...

What a fun memory for Daphne. I'm sure it was extra work, but worth it. Great pictures.

Boy sleepover's? We have had one of those. The worst part, seeing all those 11yr old boys running around in their boxers. Other than that, it's not too bad, really.

February Jill said...

I am so bummed that Elsa didn't get to be a part of that fun party! She would have loved to come have fun with Daphne. She is definitely missing having her little girlfriends around to play with. We're in a big transition, adjustment time right now.

Angela said...

Looks like fun, but I am totally agree with Rebecca right about now!!! :)

Tara said...

You are soo brave woman! What a good momma you are! Gabe didn't get to have a friend sleep over until second grade. I guess you are used to being up late with Miss Ruby and I don't want to share my sleep. The pics are adorable. And...tell Jessi that I love the book, Fancy Nancy!

Growing Good Golfers said...

Very crazy lady! No boy sleepovers at our house for quite sometime!