A Mayflower's Musings

Friday, March 25, 2011

Something Men Won't Ever Really Get

When I gave birth to Daphne, I chose to do it without any drugs. Luckily it was a relatively quick birth for a first baby...otherwise I may not have survived:) During transition I remember focusing on the curtain in the room and thinking, "either this baby is going to have to come out RIGHT now, or I will pass out and not be alive to meet my daughter." I could go on and on about that experience, but it isn't the point of this blog post.

Not long after Daphne arrived and my life began as a mother, my father in law, very curiously asked me to explain the pain of childbirth. I can't even remember if it was over the phone or in person and I'm pretty sure I had no words to describe it. You know that feeling?! I think he got that I was having trouble coming up with an adequate comparison and so he quickly jumped right in and in complete genuine curiosity asked, "Is it like when you stub your toe really badly?"

Once again on my part there were no words in response. I think I may have said, "no, not really!" And he let it go.

I still chuckle about that comment every once in awhile. And to his defense, his wife had two c-sections, in which the fathers weren't allowed in the operating room...so he's never witnessed one. I just love that he was trying so hard to understand what I had just gone through.

Well, I couldn't help but rethink my thoughts on his question the other day when I stubbed my pinky toe very badly. Granted I KNOW it wasn't anywhere NEAR labor pains w/o any meds...seven years have passed since Daphne's birth and my toe did hurt A LOT! As I lay on Ruby's bed sputtering some choice words...I took back some of my chuckles about my father in law's question years ago.

I had no baby to show for it and a broken little toe.

(my feet look so gross in these pictures..)


KLB said...

Oh my word Stephanie! I have never seen a toe look like that. you poor thing!

Lynn said...

OUCH! so sorry!!!!!

Dan and Charity Smith said...

Oh honey! That looks like it hurts :( The only good thing to come from labor pains is that you know you get a baby outta the deal. ((hugs)) Take care of that poor pinkie toe.

Sara said...

Oh NO! Sorry about the toe, but I will forever remember your FIL comparison to childbirth the next time I stub mine. :)

Stacy said...

Your toe does look like it hurts really really badly...mike should treat you to a pedicure :)